I Believe

"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this."
-Henry David Thoreau

Big Smile

"Don't take life seriously because you can't come out of it alive."
-Warren Miller

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Out of The Mouths of Babes; 8am service

This Child....
Soft curly haired afro..smooth skin of rich mocha...burnished orange shirt and slacks of hued honey darkened by the sun. ...
The Preacher said ...
"throw your head back and call the name of the one who gives you the victory"

This Child...
Nestled in his mommas lap with his neck bent back to give God the praise from his belly, opened his mouth and with the tiny-est sweetest voice yelled...


This Child...
He held it long past the last persons breath demanded an inhale
He shouted louder than the voices of seasoned church folk
He closed his eyes and called on the One who loves him beyond even his baby comprehension
He spoke it louder than the speakers set at volumes that fill a stadium's rafters
He sang it harder, with his mouth opened wider, and his hands on his belly to encourage even the last morsel of breath to carry His name...

This Child...
this mocha flavored afro tinged pint sized perfection of God, stopped only when he gave everything...

only when his air exhausted itself
only when he gave his best

he inhaled a breath and softly repeated
with his second wind....Jesus

it was in this moment- in this second- upon this extended breath that I was reminded that I too must throw my head back- not caring about who is around me - who is holding me - I must throw all caution to the wind that catches and carries my breath on it's breeze..

So I open my mouth extend my throat to allow the fullness of my praise to be heard by the one who gave His life so that I might have life and have it more abundantly...
I close my eyes and allow my tears to water my praise that flows as I too call the name of the One who is my intercessor, my redeemer, the lover of my soul and then when my breath is gone when it has exhausted the oxygen I shall inhale and softly say from inside my heart's heart... as sweetly as I can .....
Jesus.....thank you

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